Jul 11July VacationThank you so much for your orders and interest in my work, I just wanted to let everyone know I'll be on vacation from July 23rd to the...
Feb 9Happy new year!A lovely customer reminded me that I haven't updated my blog here in a very long time. I didn't realize it had been so long, I'm active...
Aug 23, 2022Store Closing September 1stMy online shop will be closing Sept. 1st for at least two months. When it re-opens it will be a bit different from before. I’ll be...
Jul 27, 2022Enamel Pin SaleJust a heads up, my hard enamel pins in my shop are on sale! This includes my new Animal Crossing Merit Badge pins. Check out my shop or...
Jan 26, 2022Katsucon UpdateHey everyone! A quick update, after moving I got super sick between all the stress of moving, unpacking and cleaning. I'm finally not...
Jan 20, 2022HiatusJust thought I'd do a quick update, we moved on the 12th and I've also been sick so I haven't been working. I took my machine to the...
Sep 22, 2021VacationJust a heads up, I'll be in vacation from September 25th to October 2nd. I'll be answering emails slowly if at all, and will be back to...
Aug 6, 2021Enamel Pins in Stock!My Sweet Buns hard enamel pins are up in my shop, all the rewards from the Kickstarter have been sent out today. Everyone who pledged...